A Small Farm Rooted in Garlic

June 06, 2023
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When Amanda Roberto set out to grow all her kitchen herbs, she included several varieties of garlic. And four years ago, when her daughter was born with a rare condition that requires a careful diet and at-home care, Amanda and husband Cody Diamond decided to accelerate their dream of a farm so that she could be a stay-at-home mom. At Wicked Roots Micro Farm, there are now more than 10 varieties of garlic (“garlic flights” are offered in egg cartons), organically grown strawberries and veggies, including heirloom tomatoes—“It’s fun to see people think outside the box of the red tomato,” in Roberto’s words. This tiny roadside farm stand has a big heart for neighboring small producers: honey from Bee Happy Homestead; flowers from The Flower Stand; raspberries and beets from Klondike Farm; recipes and goat-milk soap from Little House in the Forest. This year Roberto will add “happy chickens” for eggs and continue her “first come, first reserve” CSA for 10 to 12 boxes (no pre-pay, just reserve when Roberto posts availability).

Open 7 days, 10 am–7 pm. Find them on Facebook and at 4241 South County Trail, Charlestown. 401.269.1978

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