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Savoring the Caribbean

By | June 06, 2023
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Savannah Campbell started culinary training on her home turf of south Jersey and earned her BA at Johnson & Wales in culinary arts and entrepreneurship. It’s no surprise that she paid close attention to the Jamaican flavors from her childhood and that she wanted to build a business highlighting them. Caribe & Co. was born last fall, producing artisan Caribbean-inspired culinary syrups. “Those flavors are nostalgic and comforting for me, so I love to share them,” says Campbell. “I’ve always enjoyed cocktail bars and coffee bars and thought that would be a good way to incorporate them.” Of the six flavors—sorrel and ginger, coconut drop, chocolate rum cream, Mexican vanilla, crème caramel and habanero—sorrel and ginger is the most popular. (Sorrel is the Caribbean name for hibiscus). It’s popular as cocktail mixers, in sangria, tea or seltzer or as seafood glazes. Campbell recommends coconut drop and chocolate rum on pancakes; others in cakes, cookies or on oatmeal.

For a list of stores, frequented farmers markets or to order online, visit

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