Peel and discard the thick outer layer of the kohlrabi. (Tip: Do this carefully with a sharp knife.) Grate on the large holes of a box grater. Similarly, peel and grate the potato and the onion.
Place the grated kohlrabi, potato and onion onto a clean, dry dish towel or cheesecloth, roll it up and wring out as much liquid as possible, then place in a medium bowl. Add the eggs to the mixture and stir to combine.
In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, pepper, thyme and parmesan cheese. Add the dry ingredients to the vegetables and mix well.
Preheat ¼ inch vegetable oil in a cast-iron skillet or heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium-high heat, until oil is hot and shimmering.
Drop golf-ball-sized scoops of the kohlrabi mixture into the hot oil and gently press down with a spatula to flatten into a disc, being careful not to crowd the pan. Fry until the edges start to brown (about 3–4 minutes). Flip and fry until golden brown and crispy on both sides. Remove from the oil and place on a paper-towel-lined plate to absorb excess oil. Keep warm and repeat with remaining mixture.
Serve warm or cold alongside your favorite condiments!